Alexandra commits to tackling modern slavery in supply chains
We’re delighted to announce we have joined forces with Sodexo UK and Ireland in a new initiative to combat modern slavery across domestic and global supply chains.
We’ll work alongside Sodexo and three other strategic suppliers – Brakes, Bunzl and Blue Arrow – to tackle issues such as forced labour, servitude and human trafficking as part of the Modern Slavery Supplier Forum.
The Forum will meet bi-annually to highlight risks, share best practice and agree common commitments to an issue estimated to impact over 40 million people worldwide at any given time.
After the first Modern Slavery Forum meeting, members have agreed to work together on joint communications initiatives to highlight whistleblowing policies and procedures to ensure all employees are comfortable to report in confidence, any issue that is unethical, illegal or unsafe.
Rebecca Jones, global sales and commercial director at Alexandra, said: “We are delighted to be working with Sodexo on this strategic supplier initiative to tackle modern slavery. We are very proud of what Alexandra, part of the Mi Hub Group, have achieved over many years as members of the Ethical Trading Initiative.

Patrick Forbes, Sodexo’s Director of Supply Management, UK & Ireland said: “This Strategic Supplier Forum offers an opportunity for the wider supply chain to work together to address this abhorrent crime and we look forward to collaborating with our partners.”
As part of the Mi Hub Group, we’ve been a signatory of the Ethical Trading Initiative for over 15 years, adhering to a code that ensures employees are treated ethically and rewarded fairly for their work
We’re also been members of the Slave Free Alliance, a social enterprise and membership initiative launched by anti-slavery charity Hope for Justice which supports businesses on their modern slavery strategy and business policies.
On top of that, Mi Hub are in the process of implementing the HERProject, aimed at empowering low-income women working in global supply chains, by delivering supply chain risk transparency and visibility via a dedicated supplier management tool.